Our Approach
Our approach is based on a teaching that was shared with Caroline during her PhD work at Trent University. It’s called the feather teaching. It is for this reason that we chose a single feather for our logo.
Picture an eagle feather. At the bottom of the feather is the fine flowing feather feathers. This represents knowledge and Level One of our training. These are things you know about that are floating around in your head. They haven’t been cemented in your mind but they are there to draw on.
The middle part of the feather is understanding, this coincides with Level Two or our training. This is where we would discuss the knowledge components and help cement things in our mind.
The top part of the feather represents competency. This coincides with Level Three of our training where we challenge your thinking. We challenge you to answer internal questions such as ‘So what?’ and ‘What now?’. It is our hope that as participants work through our training levels, they begin to have a paradigm shift. They begin to ask themselves these big questions so that they may become competent as they will have the ability, skill and knowledge to approach Indigenous issues in their everyday and professional lives confidently and accurately.